Unveiling the Secrets of South Kalimantan's Rivers: Biodiversity, Ethnobiology, and Water Quality

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Esti Tyastirin
Dedy Suprayogi


This brief paper summarises recent study findings on South Kalimantan's rivers' biodiversity, ethnobiology, and water quality. We wanted to shed light on these rivers' rich biodiversity, traditional knowledge systems, and environmental well-being by performing field surveys and using multidisciplinary methodologies. The ecological significance of the rivers was assessed using biodiversity data, such as species richness, abundance, and diversity indices. Water quality data were examined using the proper statistical techniques to evaluate regional variations and potential effects on the rivers' environmental health. The findings of the field studies showed a great range of species living in the area's rivers, ranging in size from tiny minnows to more giant predatory species. In addition to fish, the surveys identified 58 bird species, including both migratory and resident species. Conservation initiatives, sustainable river management methods, and incorporation of local knowledge systems are urgently required to maintain these ecosystems' natural integrity and cultural past.


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How to Cite
Tyastirin, E., & Suprayogi, D. (2023). Unveiling the Secrets of South Kalimantan’s Rivers: Biodiversity, Ethnobiology, and Water Quality. River Studies, 1(2), 72–82. https://doi.org/10.61848/rst.v1i2.12
Author Biographies

Esti Tyastirin, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Biology Department

Dedy Suprayogi, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Environmental Engineering


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