AI Policy

Version 1.0 - Effective Date: 28 August 2023

The purpose of these AI Robot Policies is to provide guidelines for authors submitting articles to the River Studies Journal, outlining what is permitted and not permitted in the context of AI-assisted research, usage recommendations, and ethical considerations.

1. Permitted Activities

a. AI Assistance in Data Analysis: Authors are encouraged to use AI tools for data analysis, statistical modeling, and interpretation to enhance the rigor and accuracy of their research findings.

b. Automated Literature Review: Authors may utilize AI algorithms to conduct efficient and comprehensive literature reviews, ensuring that their work is well-grounded in existing scholarship.

c. Language Editing and Proofreading: AI-driven tools for language editing and proofreading are permitted to improve the clarity and coherence of submitted manuscripts.

d. Data Visualization Enhancement: AI technologies can be employed for creating visually compelling and informative data visualizations, aiding in the effective communication of research results.

2. Not Permitted Activities

a. Plagiarism: Authors must refrain from using AI tools or any other means to engage in plagiarism. All submitted content must be original, properly cited, and adhere to ethical standards.

b. Manipulation of Results: Any form of manipulation or distortion of research findings using AI algorithms is strictly prohibited. Authors should present their data accurately and transparently.

c. Automated Authorship: The creation of articles or research outputs solely generated by AI without meaningful human contribution is not allowed. Authorship should reflect genuine intellectual input.

d. Biased AI Models: The use of biased AI models that may introduce unfairness or discrimination in the research outcomes is not permitted. Authors must ensure the fairness and transparency of their AI methodologies.

3. Usage Recommendations

a. Transparency in AI Methods: Authors are encouraged to provide clear explanations of the AI methods employed in their research, including details on algorithms, parameters, and data sources.

b. Ethical Considerations: Authors should address the ethical implications of their AI-assisted research, particularly concerning data privacy, consent, and potential societal impacts.

c. Open Source and Reproducibility: It is recommended that authors make their AI code and models open source when possible, facilitating the reproducibility of results and promoting collaboration within the research community.

4. Review and Compliance

All submissions will undergo a thorough review process to ensure compliance with these AI Robot Policies. Authors are expected to respond to any queries regarding the use of AI in their research during the review process.

5. Updates to Policies

These policies are subject to periodic review and may be updated to reflect advancements in AI technology and changes in ethical standards.