Preprint your manuscript while its under review

At River Studies, we recognize the importance of preprints and repositories in facilitating the rapid dissemination of research findings and promoting open access to scholarly work. Our Preprint and Repository Policy outlines the guidelines for authors regarding preprints and the deposit of articles in repositories.

Preprints: Authors are encouraged to share their research findings as preprints before or during the submission process to River Studies. Preprints are draft versions of research papers that have not yet undergone peer review. Sharing preprints allows authors to receive early feedback from the community, foster collaboration, and increase the visibility of their work.

Authors can submit manuscripts to preprint servers such as arXiv, bioRxiv, SSRN, RINarXiv or other subject-specific repositories. Sharing preprints will not affect the consideration of the manuscript for publication in River Studies. However, authors are required to disclose any prior preprint submissions during the submission process to the journal.

Repository Deposit: Upon acceptance for publication in River Studies, authors are encouraged to deposit the final accepted version of their article in a suitable repository. Repositories can include institutional repositories, subject-based repositories, or general repositories, such as PubMed Central or Zenodo.

The deposited version should be the final accepted manuscript, including all changes resulting from peer review but without the publisher's formatting. Authors are required to provide a link to the published version of the article in [Journal Name] in the repository record, if available.

Embargo Period: We acknowledge that some funding agencies or institutions may require a certain embargo period before the accepted manuscript can be made openly accessible in repositories. Authors should adhere to any embargo requirements from their funders or institutions.

Licensing: Authors are encouraged to license the deposited manuscripts under a Creative Commons license, preferably the Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY). This license ensures that the deposited manuscript can be freely accessed, shared, and reused with proper attribution, further promoting the principles of open access.

By embracing preprints and repository deposit, River Studies aims to foster open science, enhance research collaboration, and contribute to the wider dissemination of knowledge.