Peer Review & Editing Proccess

At River studies, our peer review process is rigorous and designed to ensure the highest quality of published research. Each submitted article will undergo review by at least two expert reviewers who have a strong background in the relevant field. We follow a double-blind review system, where the identities of both authors and reviewers are kept confidential throughout the process.

Our expert reviewers conduct thorough evaluations of the submissions, providing constructive feedback to authors. The review process follows a set of objective criteria to assess the scientific rigor, originality, methodology, and significance of each manuscript. We aim to provide timely feedback to authors, allowing them to make necessary revisions promptly.

The estimated time from submission to publication is approximately 12 weeks. However, please note that the actual duration may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the research, the number of revisions required, and the authors' response time.

The editorial board makes the final decision on manuscript acceptance or rejection based on the reviewers' comments and adherence to ethical standards. By upholding these rigorous standards and engaging multiple expert reviewers, we strive to maintain the integrity and credibility of the research published in River studies, fostering a scholarly dialogue that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

We guarantee the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of the articles we publish at River Studies by upholding rigorous editorial standards. Our editorial staff retains the prerogative to modify the structure and delivery of submitted manuscripts as required in accordance with this commitment. Our stance on editorial adjustments is delineated in this policy.

Scope of Editing:

Without modifying the articles' fundamental substance or the author's research discoveries, our editing procedure prioritises improvements to the articles' legibility, structure, and flow. Throughout the editing process, we endeavour to maintain the author's original intent and meaning, as we are cognizant of the significance of preserving manuscript integrity.

Perception of the Author:

Authors implicitly acknowledge and approve our editing policy by submitting a manuscript to River studies. It is important for authors to be aware that in order to enhance the piece's coherence and efficacy, our editorial staff may restructure the article's layout. The mere purpose of this reorganisation is to improve the overall experience of the reader; no changes are permitted to the research's content, methodology, or findings.

Absence of Grievances:

In the realm of scholastic publishing, it is customary for authors to acknowledge that the editorial team possesses the authority to modify the article's structure. Consequently, in regard to alterations implemented to the structure of their manuscript, the authors relinquish any entitlement to lodge a grievance. It is strongly encouraged that authors promptly bring to our attention any concerns they may have regarding potential misrepresentations or factual inaccuracies in the content. However, please be aware that the editorial team will ultimately make decisions that adhere to the publication's standards.

Communicating Openly:

We encourage authors to engage in an open dialogue regarding any concerns or queries they may have regarding the editing process, despite the fact that our editing team is committed to maintaining communication and transparency throughout the job. Our organisation places a high value on collaboration and strives to accompany authors in the process of revising the final published version to adhere to the publication's standards while accurately reflecting their research.