Meta-Analysis Study: Examining the Associations between Service Quality, Educational Level, Occupational Background, and Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare Facilities

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Syarifah Munawarah
Syamsul Arifin
Silvia Kristanti Tria Febriana


This study tried to examine the connection between healthcare facility quality, patient happiness, and demographic factors such as education and occupation. There is widespread agreement that patient satisfaction is a crucial metric for evaluating the effectiveness of healthcare providers. By bringing together data from a wide range of sources, this study hopes to offer a thorough evaluation. After conducting a thorough search, 26 publications were selected for inclusion in the meta-analysis. According to the results, there is a robust correlation between service quality and patient happiness. Higher patient satisfaction is linked to healthcare providers who provide high-quality services. Patients with greater education levels had a slightly higher chance of being satisfied, but the difference was not statistically significant. A similar investigation found a correlation between profession and client happiness. Patients with more prestigious backgrounds in the workforce were more satisfied overall. The research highlights the significance of providing high-quality services and adapting healthcare to the varying demands of patients from various socioeconomic backgrounds. The results of this meta-analysis have important implications for healthcare providers, administrators, and planners as they work to increase patient happiness and enhance the quality of treatment provided.


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How to Cite
Munawarah, S., Arifin, S., & Febriana, S. K. T. . (2023). Meta-Analysis Study: Examining the Associations between Service Quality, Educational Level, Occupational Background, and Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare Facilities. River Studies, 1(2), 104–118.


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