open data policy

At River studies, we are committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and the advancement of knowledge through the sharing of research data. Our Open Data Policy is designed to encourage researchers to make their data openly available, thereby facilitating the reproducibility of research, fostering collaboration, and maximizing the impact of scientific discoveries.

Policy Statement:
All researchers affiliated with their funding body are encouraged to share their research data openly, subject to ethical and legal considerations.
Data Sharing Requirements:
Upon publication of a research article, researchers are required to deposit the underlying research data in a suitable public repository or data-sharing platform. The data should be made available with a clear and persistent identifier to ensure long-term accessibility.
Researchers must provide adequate documentation and metadata for the deposited data to enable other researchers to understand and reproduce the findings.
The data should be shared in a machine-readable and non-proprietary format to enhance usability and interoperability.
If there are restrictions on sharing specific portions of the data due to privacy, security, or copyright concerns, researchers must provide a clear rationale and seek appropriate waivers or permissions.
Data Embargo Period:
In some cases, researchers may need to impose an embargo on their data for a specific period after publication to allow for further analysis or to protect intellectual property rights. Embargo periods should be reasonable and justifiable, and the metadata describing the data should be made available even during the embargo period.
Attribution and Citations:
Researchers who use open data from other sources should provide proper attribution to the original data creators and cite the data sources in their publications.
Data authors should be recognized and cited as contributors to the research when their data are reused by other researchers
Data Management Plan
All researchers applying for funding from their funding body must submit a data management plan (DMP) outlining how they intend to manage, document, and share their research data throughout the project lifecycle.
The DMP will be reviewed by the research committee to ensure compliance with the Open Data Policy.
Data Preservation and Archiving:
Author along wsith the publisher will ensure the long-term preservation and archiving of open research data to maintain data integrity and accessibility for future use.
Exceptions to this Open Data Policy may be granted for sensitive or confidential data, provided that researchers seek approval from the relevant ethics or data management committee and provide a clear rationale for the exception.
Compliance and Enforcement
Non-compliance with the Open Data Policy may result in the withdrawal of publication support or funding for future research projects.