Unveiling Transformation: A Social Return on Investment Evaluation of PT Adaro Indonesia's 'Menanti Laburan Tourism Park' CSR Programme (2019-2023)

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Aan Nurhadi
Yuri Budi Sujalmi
Firmansyah Firmansyah
Dwi Prayitno Jatmiko
Mahpi Aulia
Muhammad Saputra
Muhammad Azwar Ramadhani
Casdimin Casdimin
Ajidinnor Ajidinnor
Muhammad Luthfan
Rio Rizky Kurniawan
Reza Agustian
Adinda Ainun Mardiah
Muhammad Safrie
Agus Maulana
Nida Elma Noviani


This study assesses the overall effects of the Menanti Laburan Tourism Park Programme from 2019 to 2023, with a particular focus on its financial, social, and environmental aspects. The study examines the program's contributions through the use of result mapping, financial assessments, and stakeholder analysis. An in-depth analysis is conducted on financial trends, sources of revenue, and the Social Return on Investment (SROI). The program's outreach is assessed by identifying stakeholder groups and evaluating their respective impacts. The Social Return on Investment (SROI) consistently rises from 1.06 to 4.01, indicating significant returns generated by the programme. Eighteen stakeholders, comprising local communities, companies, and governmental organisations, encounter diverse effects. The Padang Panjang Village Community is the main recipient, with a significant impact of 30.29%. The park's economic sustainability is supported by a variety of financial streams, including ticket sales and collaborations. The effectiveness is evidenced by the attained Social Return on Investment (SROI) of 4.01, which exceeds the intended outcome. The Menanti Laburan Tourism Park demonstrates both financial viability and operates as an educational centre. The triple-loop learning paradigm emphasises its dedication to flexibility and long-term viability. This study offers a comprehensive comprehension of the program's triumph, providing significant discernments for community advancement and sustainable tourism methodologies.


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How to Cite
Nurhadi, A., Sujalmi, Y. B. ., Firmansyah, F., Jatmiko, D. P., Aulia, M., Saputra, M. ., Ramadhani, M. A., Casdimin, C., Ajidinnor, A., Luthfan, M., Kurniawan, R. R., Agustian, R., Mardiah, A. A. ., Safrie, M., Maulana, A. ., & Noviani, N. E. (2024). Unveiling Transformation: A Social Return on Investment Evaluation of PT Adaro Indonesia’s ’Menanti Laburan Tourism Park’ CSR Programme (2019-2023). River Studies, 1(3), 160–181. https://doi.org/10.61848/rst.v1i3.23
Author Biography

Aan Nurhadi, Adaro Indonesia

Corporate Social Responsibility


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